Thursday, March 5, 2020

Determination And The Will To Never Give Up Has Helped This Guitar Player Achieve Greatness

Determination And The Will To Never Give Up Has Helped This Guitar Player Achieve Greatness Determination And The Will To Never Give Up Has Helped This Guitar Player Achieve Greatness Joshua, 13-years-old, Math Level M The late rock and roll legend Jimi Hendrix forever changed the music industry with his unique sound on the guitar. It may be a surprise to hear, but playing the guitar didn’t always come easy to Hendrix. , With practice and dedication, he made a name for himself. Hendrix once said, “Sometimes you want to give up the guitar, you’ll hate the guitar. But if you stick with it, you’re going to be rewarded.” Like Jimi Hendrix, Joshua has been dedicated to learning the guitar and continually perfecting his technique. As a young musician, he has seen the value of practice, and the discipline it takes to learn challenging pieces. Joshua relates his experience with learning guitar to Kumon, and how he never gives up and remains committed to reaching new goals. Joshua began his journey with Kumon when he enrolled in the Kumon Math Program at the age of seven. Fast forward to almost seven years later and now he’s studying trigonometric functions and addition theorems â€" which is quite impressive for a middle school student. Joshua’s discipline strengthened as he was reaching new goals in Kumon, which then transcended beyond his academics. “Outside of the classroom, Kumon has taught me to be more patient and to never give up on anything I’m doing whether it’s guitar or my school work,” said Joshua. “Kumon created a daily routine for completing my work, which has helped me to become disciplined and determined to reach a goal. If something becomes difficult in my guitar lessons, I know when to take a step back and come back to it and master it.” Whether he’s mastering the technical aspect of the guitar with chords, arpeggios, and scales or nailing an awesome solo piece â€" he is focused to work through it. Joshua’s determination and practice has paid off in his development as a musician. He’s proud to say that he was the first student in his guitar class of 100 plus students to be awarded a high level of achievement. Not only is Joshua musically inclined, he has also found a passion for sports. Joshua takes his athletic ability to the court, serving as a valuable player for his school’s basketball and volleyball teams. Also dedicated to becoming a stronger swimmer, he is currently training to become a certified lifeguard one day. In 2015, Joshua passed the Toronto District School Board’s Gifted Program exam. Since then, he has been in the gifted program and attends a gifted school once a week that offers students a highly specialized and competitive curriculum. Joshua’s academic ability and unwavering determination will aide him in his future aspiration of becoming a neurosurgeon. Joshua’s hard work and discipline didn’t go unnoticed, as he was one of 55 students selected to attend the 2018 Kumon Student Conference in Calgary, Canada. We had the opportunity to speak to Joshua about his Kumon journey. How has Kumon helped you academically? Kumon has helped me academically because the math lessons in school have become increasingly easier for me as I continue to advance in the Kumon Math Program. I have been able to effectively manage my time because of the Kumon Method, which helps me become responsible to finish my work on time and accurately. If you could sum up your Kumon experience in one word, what would it be? Beneficial. What do you enjoy most about Kumon? What I enjoy most about Kumon is that I can understand and answer math problems that at first look impossible to solve. My Kumon Instructor is so friendly and is always willing to help everyone at the center. What keeps you motivated in Kumon? My parents shared with me that I have inspired a lot of my friends and their parents, which resulted in a lot of them enrolling in Kumon. My hard work and achievements made them believe in what Kumon is all about. My parents are proud of me for being an inspiration to others, and that alone keeps me motivated. What did it mean to you attending the Student Conference? Attending the Student Conference meant a great deal to me because not only did my hard work pay off, but my will to never give up got me there. It was a great experience that has truly inspired me. What advice do you have for other Kumon Students? My advice to other Kumon Students just starting out would be to never give up just as I did. Whether you made a few mistakes, didn’t pass a test, or are struggling with a challenging problem â€" keep going. Stay determined and know that you’re going to reach you goals, and it will be worth all the hard work. Discover even more student success stories. You might also be interested in: Aspiring Architect Reminds Himself To Never Give Up Self-learning and Determination Has Helped This Boy Scout Overcome Challenges Perseverance Helps This Young Tennis Player Win On And Off The Court Focus And Confidence Help This Young Musician Achieve His Goals Determination And The Will To Never Give Up Has Helped This Guitar Player Achieve Greatness Determination And The Will To Never Give Up Has Helped This Guitar Player Achieve Greatness Joshua, 13-years-old, Math Level M The late rock and roll legend Jimi Hendrix forever changed the music industry with his unique sound on the guitar. It may be a surprise to hear, but playing the guitar didn’t always come easy to Hendrix. , With practice and dedication, he made a name for himself. Hendrix once said, “Sometimes you want to give up the guitar, you’ll hate the guitar. But if you stick with it, you’re going to be rewarded.” Like Jimi Hendrix, Joshua has been dedicated to learning the guitar and continually perfecting his technique. As a young musician, he has seen the value of practice, and the discipline it takes to learn challenging pieces. Joshua relates his experience with learning guitar to Kumon, and how he never gives up and remains committed to reaching new goals. Joshua began his journey with Kumon when he enrolled in the Kumon Math Program at the age of seven. Fast forward to almost seven years later and now he’s studying trigonometric functions and addition theorems â€" which is quite impressive for a middle school student. Joshua’s discipline strengthened as he was reaching new goals in Kumon, which then transcended beyond his academics. “Outside of the classroom, Kumon has taught me to be more patient and to never give up on anything I’m doing whether it’s guitar or my school work,” said Joshua. “Kumon created a daily routine for completing my work, which has helped me to become disciplined and determined to reach a goal. If something becomes difficult in my guitar lessons, I know when to take a step back and come back to it and master it.” Whether he’s mastering the technical aspect of the guitar with chords, arpeggios, and scales or nailing an awesome solo piece â€" he is focused to work through it. Joshua’s determination and practice has paid off in his development as a musician. He’s proud to say that he was the first student in his guitar class of 100 plus students to be awarded a high level of achievement. Not only is Joshua musically inclined, he has also found a passion for sports. Joshua takes his athletic ability to the court, serving as a valuable player for his school’s basketball and volleyball teams. Also dedicated to becoming a stronger swimmer, he is currently training to become a certified lifeguard one day. In 2015, Joshua passed the Toronto District School Board’s Gifted Program exam. Since then, he has been in the gifted program and attends a gifted school once a week that offers students a highly specialized and competitive curriculum. Joshua’s academic ability and unwavering determination will aide him in his future aspiration of becoming a neurosurgeon. Joshua’s hard work and discipline didn’t go unnoticed, as he was one of 55 students selected to attend the 2018 Kumon Student Conference in Calgary, Canada. We had the opportunity to speak to Joshua about his Kumon journey. How has Kumon helped you academically? Kumon has helped me academically because the math lessons in school have become increasingly easier for me as I continue to advance in the Kumon Math Program. I have been able to effectively manage my time because of the Kumon Method, which helps me become responsible to finish my work on time and accurately. If you could sum up your Kumon experience in one word, what would it be? Beneficial. What do you enjoy most about Kumon? What I enjoy most about Kumon is that I can understand and answer math problems that at first look impossible to solve. My Kumon Instructor is so friendly and is always willing to help everyone at the center. What keeps you motivated in Kumon? My parents shared with me that I have inspired a lot of my friends and their parents, which resulted in a lot of them enrolling in Kumon. My hard work and achievements made them believe in what Kumon is all about. My parents are proud of me for being an inspiration to others, and that alone keeps me motivated. What did it mean to you attending the Student Conference? Attending the Student Conference meant a great deal to me because not only did my hard work pay off, but my will to never give up got me there. It was a great experience that has truly inspired me. What advice do you have for other Kumon Students? My advice to other Kumon Students just starting out would be to never give up just as I did. Whether you made a few mistakes, didn’t pass a test, or are struggling with a challenging problem â€" keep going. Stay determined and know that you’re going to reach you goals, and it will be worth all the hard work. Discover even more student success stories. You might also be interested in: Aspiring Architect Reminds Himself To Never Give Up Self-learning and Determination Has Helped This Boy Scout Overcome Challenges Perseverance Helps This Young Tennis Player Win On And Off The Court Focus And Confidence Help This Young Musician Achieve His Goals

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